
All praise is for Allah, who commended us to care about families. We praise Him and we seek His forgiveness. I bear witness that none has the right to be worshipped except Allah. And I bear witness that prophet Mohammad is His slave and messenger.

O you who believe! Fear Allah and keep your duty to him and let every person look to what he has sent forth the morrow. Islam gave the family much attention while Qur’an explained these meanings and considered it a gift from Allah.

And Allah has made for you Azwaj “mates or wives “of your own kind. (16:72), The community is needed to build good families that keep values, customs and traditions. Parents must guide their children to the right. This good method was the prophet’s way.

And this was enjoined by Ibrahim upon his sons and by YAQUB “Jacob”saying O my sons: Allah has chosen for you true religion then die not except in the faith of Islam. (2:132)

Adding for that, parents must participate in choosing good companions for their sons, moreover giving enough time to sit with the family can increase their communication skills, so we must give them time and care whatever businesses one has. O Slaves of Allah, there are essential basis that can
develop happiness in the family, such as respecting and giving gifts for the wife. Allah said about wives:
" قال الله تعالى “وَعَاشِرُوهُنَّ بِالْمَعْرُوفِ
(And live with them honorably) (4:19)

On the other hand, the wife must respect and guard her husband and give him his rights.As Allah said:
And they (women) have rights living expenses similar “to those of their husbands “over them as regards obedience respect, to what is reasonable. (2:228) Our messenger (peace be upon him) said:

Not one of us who didn’t have mercy on our young ones and respects the elderly and one of this spaces using good speech in the dialogue, so the successful family used to solve personal problems inside its home.

Amr bin Absa said that he came to the prophet (peace be upon him) and asked what is Islam? He responded “good speech“.
Oh Allah, help us to do good for our families and show them all care and respect.


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