Grace of Health

All praise is for Allah who guided us to do good deeds and gave us the health bounty. I bear witness that there is no god but Allah, alone with no partner, the one and the only. And I bear witness that Muhammad is his slave and messenger.

Our prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) recommended us to ask Allah
for forgiveness and health. Allah said:

O you who believe! Keep your duty to Allah and fear Him and speak always the truth.(33:70) Allah Also said:

 قال عز و جل : وَإِن تَعُدُّوا نِعْمَة اللَّهِ لا تُحْصُ وهَا

And if you would count the favors of Allah, never could you count them.(16:18)
O Muslims, God bestowed many graces for us, and health is the biggest blessing. Health is an act when disease gets away from the mind, body, family and children. In addition, there is no doubt that health is one of the major causes of happiness. Our Messenger (peace be upon him) said:

قال النبي : مَنْ أَصْبَحَ مِنْكُمْ آمِناً في سِرْبِه، مُعَافًى في جَسَدِهِ، عِنْدَهُ قُوتُ يَوْمِهِ، فَكَأَنّمَا حِيْزَتْ لَهُ الدُّ نْيَا

The one among you who wakes up secure in his property, healthy in his body and has his food for the day, it is as if the whole world were brought to him.
Our prophet (peace be upon him) used to ask Allah to gift him health by saying:
(O my Lord give me health in the world and the hereafter) Islam provides some rules that preserves our health. Examples of these rules are purity, cleanness, washing, ablution, teeth brushing, and  mouth rinse.
O believers! Good health is a crown over our heads. Our messenger (PBUH) called us to invest five before five and one of them is to invest your health before your illness.

Oh Allah we ask you to perpetuate the blessing of health and security for us and all Muslims.


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