
All praise is for Allah who guided us to do good and showed us the piety
path. I bear witness that there is no God but Allah, alone with no partner,
the one and the only. And I bear witness that Muhammad is his slave and
messenger. Allah ordered us to do good thing as He said:

O you who believe ! Fear Allah as he should be feared, and die not except in a state of Islam. (3:102)

Allah said:
We have recommended the people of the scripture before you and to you ( O Muslims ) That you (all) fear Allah, and keep your duty to him.(4:131)

Piety is a high degree of faith. It's feeling in the heart that avoids the evils. Ibn Masoud said that fear means : " obey him , always remember him and never forgot him and be thankful to him"
Omer Ibn Abdelaziz said fear from Allah means : leave what Allah has forbidden to do the commands of Allah.

Some scholars said one of the forms of piety: when Allah find you in the recommended places and see you away from the forbidden places. Piety used to avoid the worshiper from disobeying Allah. There are some reasons that can be connected to piety: sincerity of intention means waiting the reward from God alone and to worship in the best performance.

Allah told us one of the fruits of piety, as He said:

وَمَنْ يَتَّقِ اللَّهَ يَجْعَلْ لَهُ مِنْ أَمْرِهِ يُسْر اً

Allah will simplify every difficult for the fearfully.(65:4) Also Allah said:
And who ever fears Allah and keeps his duty to him, he will make his matter
easy for him. (65:3)
Surly Allah loves Al‐Muttaqeen, so we pray for Allah and ask to provide us with piety.


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